Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lost Trailer

Hey Everyone!
For all you LOST fans out there, I have good news!! A new trailer for season 4 has just come out on line! It looks as though this new season is going to be REALLY REALLY good!! For those of you who don't know the series, I highly recommend it!!

Check it out HERE.
It's the second clip on there.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New Blog

I just wanted to let you all know that I have a separate knitting  blog now with my friend My!
Check it out here:

D.J. MacHale

I recently attended a talk by one of my favorite authors, D.J. MacHale. He writes one of my favorite series called Pendragon. As soon as I heard the talk would be at the Sheman Oaks library, I knew I had to go. At the talk he read the first chapter in the upcoming book, and he answered our questions. He also talked about what inspired Pendragon, and how he became a writer. In all it was a very fun day! I left the library with a bunch of signed books, and feeling very happy!