Monday, May 31, 2010

Prom '10

We recently had prom. This year's theme was masquerade, so naturally I had to make myself a mask! My own theme this year was feathers and pale pinky peaches. Mainly inspired by my favorite blogger The Cherry Blossom Girl.

This year I went over to Ventana's house with Elizabeth and our friend Zola, who goes to a different school. We had a blast getting ready and then piled into Elizabeth's old white Mercedes. It felt just how I imagine a prom in the 50's or 60's would feel!

Prom itself was not the most amazing, but I still had a great time. It was nice to be able to eat dinner there, and the location was lovely. Prom was held at a classy country club that looked out over a lovely view of the Santa Monica mountains. I suppose the only real downside was that the music was horrible. No one seemed to enjoy the it, even the class that hired the DJ. He didn't have any old favorites or things that people would request.

Everyone looked very pretty, but I was rather disappointed that no one besides Ventana and I wore masks. Probably one of the best parts was when everyone had left except five of us from the 11th grade, Ventana, Elizabeth, Joey Gilmore, Joey Weitz and I. We had a blast dancing about in the lone room. All the teachers must have thought we were crazy!
I can't believe that next year we'll be the ones putting prom together! Time sure flies.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lost at Heart

We have come to the conclusion of my most beloved TV show out there. Even though I did not start Lost from the beginning, I still have such an emotional connection to it. Lost will always have it's place in my heart, not only because it was the first TV show I became an avid fan of, but also because of its story, which was both touching, and exillerating.

My journey to the island began almost five years ago, during the summer after seventh grade. Mom and I watched an episode, or two, everyday of the summer, completely immersed in this mysterious story. Over the years my love has only grown. I've listened to every Lost podcast recorded, attended, or had my mom attend, Lost panels every year at comic con and watched every episode the morning after it came out. Many people have told me I am obsessed, and maybe I am, but the truth is, Lost has become more than a TV show to me. Lost is something I know I will always have, a place, characters that I can go to and know that they are there when I need them. It is a mystery I could never quite solve, yet never really wanted solved. Lost has made me laugh, gasp, and it is the only show or film that has ever made me cry. To say that Lost is merely entertainment, is like saying butter is only for bread. Yes it is entertainment, but it is so much more as well. It is such a part of the last four of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. In fact one of the greatest moments of last year was related to Lost.
I've watched so many friends let go of Lost before the end. And although I understand where they are coming from, I don't think I could ever give it up. I cannot say this season was my favorite on its own, but on looking at it as a whole it seems to be the perfect fit. The same could be said for the finale. Yes, we did not get a ton of answers, but then again, we may have gotten the answer to the most important one. That of the fate of the characters. In the end, that is what Lost boils down to, its characters. So many people will say that the ending made no sense, yet I think the creators gave us such a big clue. All the books mentioned on Lost help explain its ending. If you look at stories like Chronicles of Narnia I think things will become more clear. It is up to us to decide what may or may not have happened. If you look at Lost as one whole puzzle rather than the individual pieces I believe you'll see the real meaning behind the mystery.
I have Lost to thank for so much, but in the end, all I can say is that it is has been an amazing ride and I'll miss it so much.

See ya in another life brother.