Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mass Moca and other adventures

Classes are going well. We've been working away on our scenes for our Nuts and Bolts of Acting class. It's been interesting to work with a very different type of director/teacher like Dina, vs Jenny who I had last term.

I've been spending a lot of time with Izzy and Rory lately. I have three out of four classes with Rory, so I see him quite a bit. It's been really nice just sitting around, listening to music and talking.

We had a really wonderful Adventure Wednesday last week! We decided to go to the museum Mass Moca, which is about an hour away in Massachusetts. It was a lovely day and we had the best time exploring the exhibits and sipping chai tea.

There was one exhibit with lots of different patterns and colors on the walls so I did a series of shots with Izzy on different backgrounds.

This week we had a "Midnight Dinner" that we, or rather Janielle our house-chair, cooked. She is from Jamaica so she cooked the most delicious Jamaican food. We all danced and ate and then proceeded to fall straight asleep. It was so much fun!!

Our Coffee Hour Theme this week was Saturday Morning Cartoons. I didn't have a whole lot of knowledge in this field, but I ended up teaming with some friends to do Scooby Doo (although we didn't actually have a Scooby). My favorite pairing was definitely Maddy, Catherine and Ben who did Hey Arnold, which I've never seen but from pictures they look just like the characters.