Sunday, June 23, 2013

End of Term

The last few weeks of term were really busy, what with seeing people and finals. Classes finished up and everything went relatively well.
Julia and I packed up our room! It took forever and looked so strange once empty. 
There was a tornado warning, which resulted in some amazing light.
I got to spend time with friends, helping them pack and lounging in the heat.
Walker, Kyle, and I stayed at our friend Joel's for graduation. He lives just off campus, its a lovely walk.
For commencement my friends and I sat on the lawn and listened to the speeches.
Graduation was fun, but it was sad to see some of my friends graduate! I'll miss them!
The flight was long, but I had an amazing view of lightning storms!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Sunfest and Womb 2

Before we knew it, it was Sunfest again, which means music, time on the lawn, and lots of sun.
I took some photos for a joint class with the literary portrait class.
We spent lots of time on the lawn. The trees were all in bloom.
Walker and I took some photos of our friend Solo, who is a dance teacher/graduate student at Bennington.
Izzy and Morgana had another womb party.
My friend from Highland Hall, Dana, is living in Bennington right now. Ive been helping her with her apparentment.
I spent lots of time modeling for Sara's photographs and helping out in the darkroom.
And somehow I still managed to find time to see everyone and still do homework.

Walker played in our friend Brad's senior show.
Julia threw a going away party for our friends Lila and Forest, who are studying abroad next term.