Saturday, December 29, 2012

Thankgiving in the Hamptons

A photo diary from my Thanksgiving at Sara's house in the Hamptons.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Make "Womb" for Me

Morgana, Cian, and I went on a cool hike to an old rock quarry! The view was simply marvelous, you could see over the whole countryside!
Marina came out to visit again, which was nice! The same night Kyle had a birthday party in Walker's room. (There was a red light hence the pictures are a strange color).
Morgana and Izzy had talked about having a "womb" themed party for weeks. They finally decided to do it while Marina was there. It was really neat, they covered the walls in red fabric and balloons with babies on them. It was very womb like, until all the people showed up.
Sara and I visited the abandoned warehouse once more for Sara's final photo project. She took lovely pictures of me around the warehouse. They are really neat.