Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spirit Week

This past week was "spirit week" at school. Spirit week is a week where the four classes in high school compete in a series of events. There were athletic things like obstacle course to creative things like teacher impersonations. 
On Monday, we had obstacle course, tug o war, balloon toss, and spoon carry. We came in forth 
in obstacle course, balloon toss, and tug o war. In spoon carry, which is where you carry water from one bucket to another with a spoon, we came in third! 
On Tuesday, we had softball throw and teacher impersonations. We lost soft ball throw. Teacher
impersonations was really fun! There were six of us in the skit. Wyatt, who played Corby (the drama teacher), Alison who played Dana (the eurythmy teacher), Rory who played Mr. Bluske (the orchestra teacher), My who played Karen Grant (the english teacher), Joey who played Mark (the other drama teacher), and I played Ms. Vrudney (the golf teacher). Our skit took place in a drama workshop taught be Joey and Wyatt. It was really really fun to do!! In the end, we won first place for it which was really great.
On Wednesday we had football throw, jump rope and costumes. We came in forth in foot ball and second in jump rope. Our costume theme was a paint set. People had their hair gelled up as brushes, some wore all whit and were the canvas, and the rest curled up as blobs of paint. We lost. It was really sad!
Thursday we had javelin and Quiz Bowl. We came in forth for javelin.
 Quiz Bowl is just like Jeopardy! It was really hard. The four who answered for our class, were Claudia, Dillon, Jess, and me. We lost by -2100. It was pretty embarrassing! 
Friday we had Lip Sync, which is the biggest event of the week! Our lip sync idea was "the seven stages of grief" but since we came up with it the night before, we weren't really prepared. We lost miserably! The other classes were amazing!! Tenth grade was the "very hungry caterpillar", eleventh grade
 was a toy chest and twelfth grade was the news. They were all really good. Eleventh grade won spirit week, tenth came in second, twelfth was third and we were forth! 
Over all it was really fun, but really stressful!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


I saw Juno last night with my friend Ventana. I had heard good things about it and I had been wanting to see it. Everyone has been talking about it. All my friends had already seen it, and now I know why they liked it so much! It was good! Juno tells the story of 16 year-old Juno MacGuff who gets pregnant, and must find the perfect family for her future baby. Ellen Page who played Juno, was very very good! I can see why she was nominated for best actress. The writing was very good. It was funny and rather like "Little Miss Sunshine." In all it was a good film that left me in a good mood!