Saturday, November 21, 2009

An Education

Today I went to see An Education with My. We had both been wanting to see the film for some time, the trailer had us wishing for more. It was quite a lovely film. It was shot beautifully, not only because of the fantastic locations, London, Paris and Oxford, but also due to the directors wonderful use of light. The costumes were lovely as well. An Education tells the story of 16 year old Jenny whose life revolves around going to Oxford for a proper education. When she meets David, a charming yet older man, her plans begin to change. David's world is one of fun, wealth and glamorous places, but is that worth giving up a degree for? The acting was phenomenal in this film. The only other time I have seen Carey Mulligan, who plays Jenny, in anything was in Pride and Prejudice as giggling Kitty and I must say I hardly recognize her. She has come so far. Peter Sarsgaard, David, was also very good. In all it was a very well made film for not only was it a visual treat, but it also made me think. It showed that sometimes an education is not from books but from ones experiences. That a mistake is not always the end of the world. I expect that when the Oscars come around we will hear more about this lovely film, it definitely deserves the recognition.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Trick or Treat

(Rose, Grace, Hannah, My, Juda, Maya, Eve, Ventana)
This year I had a very difficult time deciding what I wanted to be for Halloween. For a while I thought I should be a Garden Gnome, but then I realized it wasn't really something I was looking forward to being. While shopping at Trader Joes, the theme song for the Addams Family started playing and an idea struck me. Wednesday Addams. So I did some research and found to my delight that Wednesday had a pet spider ( I love spiders ) and that I had all the pieces I would need for my costume at home. (Photos: 1. Wednesday from the original TV show 2. & 3. Christina Ricci in the film version 4. my favorite blogger in a Wednesday inspired photoshoot 5. Me as Wednesday)

I met up with Ventana on Hallows Eve and we went to school to go on the little tour there. She was a Cave Woman and looked rather like Pebbles from the Flintstones. The tour was fun, but it didn't seem to have the life it used to possess. Next we went to Grace's house to go Trick or Treating with her, her sister Rose Hannah, her friend Maya and My. My was a cat, while Grace and Hannah were a dragonfly and a ladybug. Grace's little brother Juda was a "Valley Girl" and looked exactly like a girl. It was hysterical!

Trick or Treating was fun, but not the best ever. I got a bunch of my favorite candy (Milky Ways) and had a scare or two on the way. Like when a man dresses as a clown jumped out of the bushes with a chain saw, scaring Ventana half to death.
Next we all headed over to Ventana's house for really yummy food and to watch Young Frankenstein. Elizabeth was there as well, she was a carrot.

In all I had a really fun time!