Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Beauty in the Details

I been having so much fun lately taking pictures with my new lens. Flowers, leaves, seeds, whatever catches my fancy. In either case I thought I would share some of them with you today.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Pajama Game

As you may or may not know, our school put on a production of the Pajama Game in late January. Being in the Pajama Game was an experience very different from my other three high school plays. I remember being so excited when the play was announced because I had been a fan of the musical before and I loved the music. Yet things began to change after we were cast. I had some big issues with some of the choices that were made casting wise and I felt as though I didn't really get a part. It was hard to see people who didn't care get parts that I so desperately wanted. I played Brenda, an annoying and geeky factory worker.
In spite of this, I believe it was the best high school play I have been a part of. We had fantastic costumes, set pieces and a wonderful choreographer, Amy. If not for her, we would have been in serious trouble. We also had some really amazing talent in the play like my friends Alison, Levi and Joey W. People like them help the play together and made up for any parts that lacked.
Hannah Edelson and I took a bunch of pictures during the final week before production which I thought you might enjoy.

Tech Week, as it is called, is often filled with waiting. We often have to restart scenes and stand under the lights. On the first day, we began a run through, and got to be on our stage for the first time.

On Tuesday we had to do a little "preview" for the school, which was nerve racking, yet exciting. We began to get our costumes fitted and continued on with our run-through. It was only the second day and already everyone was exhausted.

This was our first day in partial costume. This is always really exciting for it is your first chance to see what the play will actually look like! Everything looked so great and you could just feel everyone excitement!

It was my 18th birthday! And in spite of having at stay at school until 10 pm, I had a fantastic time. My baked my cute little mouse cookies and I had a picnic outside at lunchtime. It also happened to be our dress rehearsal.

Friday/ Opening Night:
Everyone was so excited on opening night, and terrified. We had the day off from school, which meant that it was rehearsals all day long.

The morning shows on Saturday and Sunday are always hard because the night shows always give us so much energy that it is hard to match.
After the first show on Saturday, we went to California Pizza Kitchen, as is tradition.
The night show was amazing. Definitely our best show, everything went perfectly and we all had so much fun.

Our last show went really well. It was sad being done, but at the same time it was nice to be free. We cleared the set and put the costumes away, and it was as if it had never happened.

All in all it really was a great experience. I had so much fun with the songs, dance numbers and my friends. In fact I made many new friends doing this play. And while I did not get a part that I wanted, I made the best of it. I am sad that it is over, it makes me wish we could do another musical, yet nothing will ever be quite the same.