Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New York!

For our senior trip this year my class got to go on a week-long trip to New York City. We saved up all fours years of high school which gave us spending money during the trip. I had such a fantastic time doing touristy things, as well as visiting some of my favorite spots. I did a bit of shopping, ate huge amounts of delicious food, and most of all got to spend a wonderful time with my class!

Central Park is one of my favorite places in the city. My friends and I spent huge amounts of time strolling about the park.

Probably my favorite thing I got to do in the city was see How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying with Daniel Radcliffe. Ventana and I got to see it together as well as get really well priced tickets. It was so much fun!

I love the architecture in this city. Those buildings are so beautiful!

We got to go to wonderful museums like MOMA and the Natural History Museum.

I have a feeling that if I lived in New York City I would gain so much weight. The food is so delicious. Almost everywhere you go you'll find something really yummy.

Getting to spend time on the plane and around the city with my class was so much fun! Everyone brought their own spin to the city.

We also did touristy things, like visit the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and Time Square. We got to go to a Yankee Game, which although wasn't my thing, I enjoyed.

I had a great time and I can't wait to be back in the fall. Although I cannot imagine living there, New York City is one of my favorite cities.