Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 2009

So Christmas has come and gone once again. It feels as though it always seems to pass to quickly, don't you agree? As always, on Christmas morning I went down to my grandparents (the Neuharts) house for presents and breakfast.I always love opening gifts and seeing others people faces when they open theirs. I received many wonderful things including a camera I was dying to get, some amazing cookbooks, a great pair of flowered tights and the Monty Python the Almost Truth.After presents we had breakfast which consisted of scrambled eggs, oranges, bacon, prune bread, sassauge and my personal favorite, fruit salad. The table looked so pretty! I found myself taking many many pictures with the new camera.I also made poppy-seed cupcakes with silver "vintage" Christmas trees for on top.
In all it was a perfectly lovely Christmas day! I hope yours was lovely as well.

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