Monday, April 19, 2010

Spitit Week 2010

This past week was Spirit Week at school. Now if you've read my blog for a while you'll know that the past two years Spirit Week has not been a thing of joy. This year, I am happy to say, it was. Well, for the most part anyways. As a whole our class decided that this year, we were just going to have fun and not stress about having the most creative ideas and winning. Which it turns out was a great idea. We've had so much fun this year and I wasn't nearly as stressed as last year. And on top of all that, we did better this year than any other!

The week always begins with sports. There's obstacle course, basketball "shoot off" and tug o war. The trouble is we're never any good at any of these mainly because we're the smallest (in both number and height/strength wise) class in the high school.

Probably my favorite day of the week. teacher Impersonations! I decided to impersonate Janet Vrudney, our class sponsor as well as the golf and hand bells teacher. Our skit was teacher slumber party. It went really well. It turned out better than I could have hoped and at the end of the day I was positive we were going to win. But alas, it was not to be. The three judges decided twelfth grade was 1st place. Everyone in the high school was outraged. Not just our class, all the teacher and most of the students. All in all it felt as though we were cheated out of our rightful win.

Costumes is also a fun event! This year we decided to be really straightforward (since last year we hand made a giant deck of cards and we lost). We ended up being Disney Princesses and their Princes, although I wasn't really a princess so maybe we should have called it Disney couples. I was Wendy from Peter Pan. Everyone looked really great, a lot of the people seemed perfectly cast as their princess. We ended up getting second place which is the best we've ever done in that event!

Thursday's event is usually fun to watch, but it can be stressful as well. It's Quiz Bowl, which is rather like our version on Jeopardy. There are two rounds and then a final bonus question. We won the first round soaring 1000 points over everyone else. Unfortunately the categories in the second round we not our strongest. We ended up in third place, which isn't great, but it was still fun to watch!

The grand finale! The biggest most complicated event of them all, Lip Sync. This means as a class you make cut together songs to form a story, or a theme. Ours was TV shows. So for each show we had a song. I have to admit, when I first heard the idea, I wasn't convinced, but it turned out amazing! Everyone was hysterical and we really came together as a class. I think part of what made it so great was that we all worked on our numbers and had little dances and really planned everything out. It also helps if you are part of a TV show that you really love, it somehow feels more important for it to be perfect. We came in a very close second. Which, again, is a best for us!

In all it was a great week and although we had a bit of drama (meaning me getting into arguments with the teacher impersonations judges) it was still really fun. So many people came up to me telling me how great our impersonation, costume and lip sync was. I think that's one of the most important things. I mean its great to win, but if everyone enjoys watching it, you've done your job. If we keep getting better at this rate, you'll be first in everything next year!

I may have more pictures which I'll add into the post as I get them!

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