Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer Break Has Arrived

School is out as of last Friday (June 12th). I must say that even though I didn't want it to be over, I'm rather happy I have so much time to do as I please and relax. I'm feeling so much calmer and stress free.
The last week of school was really good. We a bunch of tests but overall it felt relaxed as though everyone was in summer break mode already. We had an Eurhythmy performance on Thursday which was, well, alright. See we weren't really prepared and overall I suppose its not one of our classes strongest subjects. We had a test on the Great Gatsby which was on our reading list. I didn't quite know what to expect from the book, but I found myself really enjoying it. I loved the wording the author used to make a situation come to life. He has a real gift with words.
To be honest, I already miss school a bit. Mostly I miss all my friends, eating lunch in the garden and my watercolor class. I think some of my paintings from that class turned out really well. This is my favorite one:
Looking back on this year I think that even though it was much harder than last year I had a ton of great times. I grew closer to lots of people and made a wonderful new friend as well. This year I was much more confident and less self conscious. I had fun on the Native American Trip and I'm so excited for nest years trip. I am amazed that we actually completed Pippin and it turned out as well as it did. And even though we lost Spirit Week I still had some great times. I think Teacher Impersonations was one of the most fun things this year. It was hard not to laugh during it because everyone was so good at their impersonation. I'll have to come up with a teacher to impersonate next year because I can't imagine not being a part of that group. I'm going to miss being "golf buddies" with Yoni. We were both in golf and both at about the same level of playing. We had tons of fun trying to be in a golf group that we liked and trying to escape Ms. Vrudney. Its sad knowing we wont have another Frankenstein class again. I had such a blast in that class; reading, discussing out there theories and fringe sciences. I loved sitting next to Joey W and Liz, they made the class all the more enjoyable. It was really great to have Ventana back in the class. She fits right in and I almost can't believe she wasn't there last year. Her, My and I have had some very good times this year.
I feel that the thing that I would have changed about this year was not an event, but rather an overall way I looked at things. I found that I was in a bad most for a good three quarters of the year. I think if I had taken the time to look around and not mope about how things could be I would have seen how great things really were. Next year I'd like to begin the year with a clean slate and be more open to things.
In all it was a really good year and I still can't believe its over. I'll miss the seniors, the campus won't be as colorful or musical without them, that's for sure. But you never know what the new freshmen will have to offer. Even though I'll really miss all my friends I hope to see them during the summer. Thank you all for making this year all it was.

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