Saturday, May 23, 2009


A couple weeks ago we had our Prom. I wasn't looking forward to it very much because I remembered last years as not being super fun. I woke up on Saturday ready to experiment with my hair and find a really nice wayof putting it up. After many odd attempts I finally managed, by accident, to do something I quite liked. I was planning on going with My and Ventana, so I showed up at My's house at around 4:40 so that we'd have time to get ready together. Ventana showed up an hour or two later and soon after that we set out to North Hollywood.The prom was held at a club called the CIA (California Institute of Abnormalities), which had a strange circus theme to it. There were stripes and clowns painted everywhere and lots of odd manikins. I actually thought it was sort of an interesting place but it was way to small for my liking. It had an outside area which was nice, but there weren't enough places for everyone to sit down or even stand without it being really cramped. The dance floor was also to small. I found myself being jostled by people and was either on the edges of the crowd or squeezed in the middle of everyone. There were also very intense lights that flashed which made it rather hard to see sometimes. I danced around a bit with my friends which, in spite of the fact that I am very awkward trying to dance, was fun. I also talked to lots of people. It was nice because I have some friends who aren't really "dancers" either. After prom, Ventana, Claudia, My and I went back to My's house. We talked about what everyone was wearing, the event and just had a good time even though we were all very tired. Last year after prom when I spent the night at My's house we ate watermelon, pickles and drank chai tea so we decided to carry on the tradition this year. It may seem like an odd mix, but it is quite nice actually! In all I had a really good time.

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