Sunday, May 3, 2009

Spirit Week 09

Well Spirit Week has come and gone. I must say it was rather stressful and I would much rather go without it. May I just think it is so much work and energy for something that really isn't all that fun.
Monday was the first day and the events were, obstacle course and tug-o-war. Obstacle course can be fun to watch but it can also be rather tedious. I thought we did pretty well, especially Alison who flew threw the course. Unfortunately, we came in forth place. Since we had more people then were needed to participate in tug-o-war I got to watch from the sidelines, which suited me better. It wasn't much of a fight. Basically they shouted pull and our class was pulled forward by the twelfth grade into a big heap. I must admit although it was sad, I laughed very heartily. We also lost to the ninth grade putting us in, you guessed it, forth place.
Tuesday was the day I was most looking forward to. Teacher Impersonations. This is one of the events I actually look forward to in Spirit Week. I love participating in it and I also love watching the skits of the other classes. This year I decided to impersonate the physics/math teacher Dr. Craddock. He is quite a character. He looks as a goat would look as a person with a wonderful British accent and does many strange gesture when he talks. Wyatt impersonated Quatro, our history teacher, and was amazing! I had to keep myself from laughing while doing the skit. Phillip impersonated my favorite teacher, Dana, who is the art/eurhythmy teacher. He did a pretty good job and I think he captured some of the odd faces Dana makes while drawing. Alison impersonated our English teacher Ms. Meyer. She was really good because she did her swaying movements really well. She also captured some of her bubbly personality. The last person in our skit was Joey W who impersonated our biology /geology /physiology /anatomy /botany teacher Mrs. Lovell. He didn't really want to do the skit at first but in the end he did a great job imitating her tone of voice. In the skit he had Mrs. Lovell fall asleep and after we were done Mrs. Lovell came up to him and said "you know, I actually do fall asleep in class sometimes." It was really funny. We got second place in teacher impersonations, but we were very close to getting first.
Wednesday was javelin toss, football toss, balloon launch and costumes. We came in forth on javelin toss and tied for third in football and balloon toss. For costumes our class was a game of war, the card game. We made giant card costumes out of cardboard and played an actual game of war with each other. The ninth grade class was "Famous pairs" the eleventh grade was a circus and the twelfth grade was movie posters. I personally thought the twelfth grade was the best, they pulled off the posters quite well. In the end eleventh grade got first place, twelfth second, ninth third and we got forth place.
Thursday was jump rope and Quiz Bowl. We could have gone rather well in jump rope, but some of the guys in our class are well, lets just say not gifted at jumping rope. Thus we got forth place. In quiz bowl we did very well and were actually in the lead for a while. The ninth grade did extremely well and came in second to the twelfth. We were set in third place but we pretty much cheated out of it by an unfair distribution of points to the eleventh grade.
On Friday was the biggest event of all. Lip Sync. I was rather nervous for this event because not only did we fail miserably last year, but I had to do a dance that I was less then confident about. Our theme was "Nursery Rhymes" and once I watched one of the run-throws of it, I started to feel that we might not do that badly. I played Hansel along side Brenan who played Gretel. We actually did very well. We tied for third with the ninth grade who did "High school stereo-types."The eleventh grade, who got second place, had the theme "the Six Types of Love" which had its moments but overall was just okay. The twelfth did amazing. They were "the Process of Making a Smoothie" from growing the plants all the way to it being drunk by a giant mouth. It was so good and they deserved first place.
In all Spirit Week had some fun moments but was overall very stressful and overly competitive. I'm glad I have a whole year before I have to do it again.

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