Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Comic Con 2007

I have just returned from my forth Comic Con experience. For those of you who don't know, the San Diego Comic Con is the largest event for popular art culture in America. One can walk around all the exhibitor booths which include; comics, art, movie,manga, TV and toys and/or venture upstairs where you can attend conversations about your favorite book movie, TV show, or sneak peaks. Unfortunately I could only attend one day this year because of camp, so I missed the LOST talk which I was looking forward to. My mom saw it though and told me everything!! Wow!! I'm REALLY excited for season four! At the talk Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse talked about the upcoming DVD, answered questions and showed a special exclusive clip about the DHARMA Initiative which can be seen on the ABC website (see below.)
At my step dad Greg's booth I helped sell his art and jewelry. The creator of the jewelry, Lori, was there and it was a big success.
This necklace (right) was from a bookcover Greg did that I modeled for, it's called "Messenger." My mom also was selling her perfume, which also did well. After a while I walked around and went to all my favorite booths; Dan Dos Santos, Kinuko Craft, Charles Vess, Jon Foster and Ugly Doll. I also visited the Golden Compass booth. Wow! The film looks amazing!!! I can't wait! After a long day, dad and I headed back home.
Below are links to my favorite artists:
Kinuko Craft
Jon Foster
Charles Vess
Dan Dos Santos
The Jewelry
Ugly Dolls
Tara McPherson

Here are the LOST and Golden Compass links:

The Golden Compass Movie
Lost Wikipedia
ABC: Lost

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