Monday, August 18, 2008

As You Like It

On Saturday, Ventana and I went to see another play at Theatricum. As You Like It has been one of my favorite Shakespeare plays for some time now. Ever since we did it a couple years ago, it has held a special place in my heart.
The play is the story of young Rosalind. When her father, the Duke, is banished by his brother, Rosalind finds comfort in her best friend, Celia. One day at a wrestling match, she meets one of the competitors, a young man named Orlando who she falls in love with. Before she may see him again, she is banished by her uncle. She dresses like a man and travels with Celia into the forest of Arden.
Ventana and I were ready to go, we had our water bottles, hats, cushions and money for the tickets. Her dad went to get the car keys when he realized that her mom took both sets of keys when she left that morning. Since V lives near Theatricum, we decided to ride bikes, but since our water bottles didn't have tops, we could hold them while riding. So, we had to walk. The show started in 20 minutes, which didn't leave us much time considering we still needed to buy tickets and get good seats. So off we went down the dusty road. Running as fast as we could go with pillows under arm, cap-less water bottles and flip flops. After running for about half a minute we began to walk, we were hot, our sides ached and I could feel blisters coming from the flip flops. It was one of the hardest things I've done all summer. By the time we got to Theatricum, we were sweaty, exhausted and ready to sit. We got good seats for coming at ten minutes before the show.
The play was good, but not amazing. First off, it wasn't set in Shakespearean times, which was a little odd to me. It was set in late 1800's, and it felt very southern. They also had a lot of songs, which I wasn't super happy with. Don't get me wrong, I like songs, it just felt like a little to much. I only have one other complaint and that was the actor who played "Phoebe". I didn't like her portrayal at all. She didn't deliver the lines right and she didn't have a good presence.
The leads were really, really good! It seems that every year there is a play that my teachers, Mike (left) and Willow (left), star in. Their characters always fall in love. Anyways, they were really good! Everything else was well done as well, costumes, other actors, etc.
In the end, it was a good play, and I do recommend it. It was not my favorite production this summer, but it was fun and it was nice to see my favorite play again.

Pictures are thanks to

1 comment:

Myy said...

yay!ill go and see it sometime soon!