Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Beginning Theatricum 2008

Yesterday (july 7th) was the first day of the High School Intensive Program at Theatricum Botanicum. When I woke up, excitement rushed through my veins. Me and My would be carpooling with another girl, Mallin, who I had never met and I was anxious to meet her. It turned out she extremely nice. We were the first ones to camp. We entered the main theater, turned in our paperwork and waited for everyone else to arrive. I didn't recognize anyone except a guy named Mark who I worked with a couple years ago. Then I saw Corinne. She had been in 5 out the 6 plays I did in the youth program. It's really great to have her there! Once Ventana arrived, Theatricum had truly started once again. The day went very very good. We played tons of games, did improv. I did a skit a really fun skit where I was in a kitchen with my husband and there was an omelet on the floor. We started doing the skit then someone would call out an emotion for either me or him and mid-sentence we would have to assume that emotion and make it fit with the scene. It was really fun! Everyone is extremely nice and I feel like and I have something to talk about with all of them.
This year we'll each be doing a scene with a partner and a monolog on our own. I received the part of Viola for my monolog (from the play Twelfth Night) the speech is called "the Ring Speech" and it is a really good one. In my scene I play Miranda from the Tempest with this guy named Max. I am really happy with my character, but annoyed about having Max as my partner because he is a little weird to be perfectly honest. I'm sure it will work out for the best though!
Anyways, I had a really great first day, and I'm sure the rest will be just as good!

Today (july 9th) was my second day. It was also a lot of fun, but it was extremely hot. This was made even worse because we were in a dusty lot doing Elizabethan dancing. It was unbearable at some times, but I lived through it! We had two new people join our group today. Now we have a group of 23 people. It was another fun day, we played more games, drew pictures of our voice and learned a ton about Elizabethan life! We also got to play Scorpion, a game which I used to dislike, but I now enjoy. In the game you divid up into two groups one in a circle on the outside and the rest in the middle. All the people it the middle close their eyes and a "scorpion" is chosen. All the insiders move around the circle, if the scorpion touches anyone they must make a buzzing sound and that person joins the "wall" (outside circle). It was really really exciting! I look forward to Friday when we'll play more games and I'll get to see all of my new friends again!

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