Monday, July 7, 2008

Drawing of the Day: Twilight

After reading the book Twilight, the story buzzed around the inside of my head for days. I was so captivated with it, I had to do something, so why not draw a picture? I decided I wanted to draw Edward, the second main character in the story. Before I go on, I should probably tell you a few things about Edward. First of all he's flawless, he walks so gracefully it looks like he's gliding. The question was, how do you draw a perfect person? Do I draw from my head or look at scrap. I looked through the yearbook, but no one was quite right. I decided to compromise, I pulled up some pictures of good-looking actors as some reference, and then I drew from my head. It was hard. I wanted to do the character justice, yet not spend my whole week slaving away at it. I finally finished the sketch, then I went to color. In the story, Edward is so pale he's pretty much white, with perfect bronze hair. This should be fun. I pulled my bronze, gold, red and orange pencils out and I went to work. It took me an hour or two to complete it, but once I did, I was extremely happy with the result. He wasn't perfect, but he was good enough for me. One day soon I'll do the rest of the characters, then I'll have a series of drawings that I love, inspired my a series which I adore just as much.


Anonymous said...

Nice work! Looking like an Eve/Anime fusion.
Keep cranking!

Ben Neuhart said...

Nice. For your info the word is ”buzzed”
not bussed.