Thursday, July 31, 2008

One Year Old

Happy birthday! As of today, my blog is one year old! 
It has been so much fun having a blog! It's weird to imagine my life with out it. That might sound strange, but it's true. You get very attached to your blog, which might not be a good thing!
Anyways, I just wanted to thank everyone who takes their time to read my blog. I really appreciate it. It's nice the know that there are people out there reading what I have to say! so, thank you to all of you.


Myy said...

Happy birth day!
I love ur blog!

Luis said...

Happy Birthday.
First thing I do in the morning is reading you blog and Roxie.
Luis Villa

Esmé Squalor said...

i know what you mean, except for me its not with a blog, it's the beginning of my addiction to moleskines Speaking of which, would you like one?
Your blog is real nice. I just wanted to express its awesomness using the term "real nice," cuz i can imagine some strange southern accent accompanying it.