Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New Hair

Last Friday, after camp My and I went to Ventana's. We ate homemade ice cream talked about camp. My wanted to make a movie, and while looking for costumes in V's closet, we found a bag full of her wigs. V and I used to get a new wig together every Halloween, it became a tradition. A new wig and then we'd make a movie with it. Each wig was better than the last. Of course, we had our favorites. For some reason, we stopped the wig-buying tradition and I forgot about our hairy friends.
We each grabbed a wig and stuffed it onto our heads. I chose the blond, curly one. My chose a red one, which didn't work on her, so she picked a pink curly one. V took the red one that My had discarded. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of her in it. In all, we were a strange bunch. We attempted to film a short film, but it didn't really work because we could decide on a story. It was fun none the less. We all looked really different, and I was surprised that I don't look that bad as a blond. Then again, I like my hair better!


Luis said...

I like your hair as it is.
Luis Villa

Esmé Squalor said...

Eve. I think you found your hair soulmate.